Friday, February 08, 2008

Ann Coulter still stumping for Hillary on NBC's The Today Show

This is just...strange. Our favorite blond wing-nut Ann Coulter has started her own campaign, stumping for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. We've already seen how Coulter has endorsed Clinton over McCain on Fox News. Well, now here is Coulter continuing her stumping for Hillary Clinton on the Today Show:

As I have said in my previous post, it is all about money. Ann Coulter could care less about the Republican Party here--it is all about who will listen to her foul trash and are willing to purchase her books. A Clinton presidency will give Coulter four to eight years worth of spewing her hatred to her rabid, conservative fans--all for the sake of Coulter's greed.

Then again, I wonder if the Republican establishment is starting to realize just how much Coulter's filth is hurting their party. According to ThinkProgress, Coulter was not invited to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference this week because Coulter "talked of 9/11 “rag heads” at the 2006 Conservative Political Action Conference and linked the slur “faggot” to Sen. John Edwards in a 2007 speech." Sometimes the right-wing hatred just gets to be too much, and the GOP elites have decided to place a muzzle on Coulter. But the problem here isn't really Ann Coulter. Coulter is simply using this hate speech as a means getting herself rich. The problem is that there is a market within the conservative base of the Republican Party for this type of hate speech and filth. Coulter is supplying that market with her garbage. Take Ann Coulter out of the equation, and you still have more pundits to take her place--pundits like Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, and even Sean Hannity There is just too much of a right-wing conservative market for this filth.

And there are plenty of pundits willing to tap into this market for their own greed.

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