Monday, April 07, 2008

The MSM's misogyny towards Hillary Clinton

I found this Youtube video through Shakesville, which linked back to Talk Left. It is just incredible. From YouTube:

I'll be honest, I am just amazed at the sewage the MSM has thrown against Senator Hillary Clinton. And yet, Clinton is still fighting for the Democratic nomination. It is a sad situation where the corporate news media has degenerated into this type of sexism against Clinton, and perhaps even racism against Senator Barack Obama. Instead of presenting the facts and the complex policy details on issues from either the Democratic or Republican candidates, we have a corporate news media that is more interested in talking about Hillary's crying, or Obama's "Muslim" education, or any number of ridiculous filler type stories that have no informational bearing on how we American voters must make a choice between these candidates. And what is worst is that the continuous 24-hour news cycle has provided profitable avenues for some of the worst political pundits to use these corporate mouthpieces as a way to expand their own hatred, fears, misogyny, and even racism against both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. It is disgusting.

But even in the face of these corporate MSM sexist attacks, Senator Clinton has shown just how strong of an individual she is, and how she continues to fight for the nomination as the first female president in the United States. That takes a lot of courage. Whether she wins the Democratic nomination, or not, Hillary Clinton has become a powerful role model for young women to look up to, and strive to become the best for themselves--even if the corporate media is demanding that women take their places back into their homes to cook and clean. As I've said before, I can be happy with either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton as president. I just hope Hillary Clinton's chances for achieving the Democratic nomination have not been destroyed by the sexism that still exists inside the corporate media.

And one little warning to the Obama supporters out there--if you think that this type of corporate news misogyny exists only with Hillary Clinton, don't be surprised when that same corporate news media starts using racism against Obama if he becomes the Democratic nominee. Because looking at the race now, it would appear to me that the corporate news media has already picked their White House winner with their over-infatuation towards Senator John McCain. The same corporate crap that Hillary has had to endure in the primary will be racially pre-packaged and thrown against Obama. It is only a matter of time.

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