Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hayden nomination moves to full Senate

This is from CNN.Com:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Senate Intelligence Committee voted 12-3 Tuesday in favor of Gen. Michael Hayden to lead the Central Intelligence Agency, sending his nomination to the floor for a vote by the full Senate.

The vote was taken during a closed-door hearing. The committee's chairman, Republican Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas, urged the Senate to take up the nomination before it begins its Memorial Day recess at the end of the week.

Eight Republicans and seven Democrats serve on the committee. The three negative votes came from Democrats Ron Wyden of Oregon, Russ Feingold of Wisconsin and Evan Bayh of Indiana.

Congratulations Democrats--you have just castrated yourselves AGAIN to the Republicans in the name of acting tough on U.S. security. I want to know if any of the Democrats even voted for Hayden, or did they decide to just not vote on the issue?

This is not how you win back the Congress for 2006, or even the presidency in 2008. The Democrats need to take some strong stands on issues, to show the American people that they believe in freedom and liberty in this country. This was a perfect example to draw a distinction between individual rights, freedoms and constitutional protections, verses the wholesale illegal domestic spying program that the Bush administration, the Republican Party, and General Hayden wants to shove down our throats. Do we hear anything from the Democrats? Not really. Do the Democrats take a stand and vote in opposition to Hayden's, and the Bush administration's, spying program? Of course not. We get a political opposition party that has rolled over and played dead--again.

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