Thursday, June 28, 2007

Oh Well: A Commentary is rated NC-17!

I usually don't post the various internet tests that I find on other blogs, but this one was a surprise for me. I found this latest internet test which provides a film rating on your blog, through Blue Girl in a Red State. So why not try it and see what Oh Well: A Commentary would get? I received an NC-17 movie rating for my blog! Apparently this NC-17 rating was "determined based on the presence of the following words: dead (8x), pissed (4x), bitch (3x), ass (2x), and suck (1x). I didn't know I have such a foul mouth here, especially considering how I avoid using the seven dirty words you can't say on television. Now I can understand the word dead being recorded in this rating. I did a Technorati search on how many times I've used the word "dead" in my blog, and Technorati reports 9 instances of my using the word dead--I would imagine there are a lot more uses, considering all the posts I've written about dead young American soldiers coming home from Iraq, and the George W. Bush Administration's continued failure of the Iraq war. And even though Technorati does not show any results for my using the word "pissed," I know I've used that word a number of times in my posting to express anger. But I certainly don't remember using the words "bitch," "ass," and "suck," and Technorati didn't show any results for those words. Time to go to another search engine--Google! A Google search shows that I have 791 instances of using the word "bitch," 519 instances of using the word "ass," and only 6 instances of using the word "suck." And if you're curious, the Google search reported 849 instances of using the word "dead," and 795 instances of using the word "pissed." I guess I am a regular potty-mouth here!

So I shall place this honored NC-17 rating on my blog:

Online Dating

Mingle2 - Online Dating

Maybe I should start using the seven dirty words as well?

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