Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday Morning Cartoons--Tom and Jerry in The Little Orphan

Since Thanksgiving is just next Thursday, it is time for a Thanksgiving-themed cartoon. And here is a wonderful classic, Tom and Jerry in The Little Orphan. This 1949 classic has Jerry taking care of Nibbles, a gray mouse who is always hungry, over the Thanksgiving weekend. As the two mice take a trip to the dining room table for a turkey feast, they inadvertently wake up Tom. Soon after, a battle takes place on the dining room table, with Jerry and Nibbles playing the part of the Pilgrims, against "Indian" Tom. The Little Orphan won a 1948 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. One more interesting bit of trivia. Near the end of the film, Nibbles catapults a lit candle at Tom. The candle flame would have burned straight up through Tom's fur, leaving him with a blackened face. But in this film, you don't see the gag. This part was cut out of the modern DVD film due to racial sensitivities of blackface. Still this a classic Thanksgiving cartoon to watch. From YouTube:

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