Friday, July 25, 2008

McCain out of touch, doesn't know the price of a gallon of milk

Well this is rather interesting. Republican presidential candidate John McCain doesn't have a clue as to what the price is for a gallon of milk. McCain decided to stage a photo op with a Pennsylvania family going grocery shopping in order to show American voters that he understands what the voters are feeling with the soaring food prices. And during his photo op, McCain had to look at his cue card to remember what the price is for a gallon of milk. From YouTube:

Here in San Jose, California, Safeway are selling two gallons of milk for $6.19--around $3.10 a gallon--and that is a special. The regular price for a gallon of milk at Safeway is $3.59. The price of a gallon of milk at Albertsons in the Los Angeles area is at $4.99. The price for a gallon of milk at a Wegman's store in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is at $3.80 a gallon--and McCain was grocery shopping with a family in Pennsylvania!

What I am trying to say here is that you don't need to be a rocket scientist, and economist, or even a frickin' politician to even have a general knowledge of what the price of a gallon of milk is in this country. The problem I have here is that John McCain had to look at a cue card in order to tell us what the price of milk is. What this tells me is that John McCain doesn't have a frickin' clue as to what the basic prices of groceries are--I'm talking about the staples like milk, bread, eggs, cereal and such. I seriously wonder when was the last time McCain even stepped into a grocery store to purchase anything before his little PR-shopping trip in Pennsylvania.

John McCain is clueless. And McCain doesn't even get that he is clueless.

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