Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Is Bush an idiot?

I found this off Dependable Renegade, and even I was surprised. The original source is Raw Story, which reported a debate on MSNBC's Scarborough Country as to whether President Bush was an idiot.

Here is the original link to the MSNBC story.

Is George Bush an idiot? To be honest, I'm not sure. I'll admit that I may have called Bush an idiot here in numerous posts on Oh Well, while criticizing his domestic and foreign policy disasters. I believe he is inarticulate--that he doesn't have the command of the English language, or the media savvy skill in presenting his message, vision and political policy to the American people.

The real problem with George W. Bush is that the presidency is just too big of a job for his intellectual curiosity and capacity--the Oval Office is too big for his britches. George Bush does not have the executive leadership skills, the intellectual skills, the curiosity, or even the media presentation skills that are necessary to tackle this demanding job. He never had the skills to pick the best people to compliment him and the office--I'll admit that he picked some very top people who worked in the previous Nixon, Reagan, and first Bush administrations, but Bush never had the strength, wisdom, or even cajones to say no to even stronger-willed men such as Cheney, or Rumsfeld, regarding policy issues. Thus, the neocons took over Bush's foreign policy to launch their disastrous war in Iraq. Bush never had the intellectual curiosity to discuss and debate policy options--Iraq is another prime example for asking what the worst-case scenario could be. He never had the cajones to ask his father, George H.W. Bush for advice about Iraq--instead claiming he listens to a "higher father." He never had the imagination to realize or understand the problems of Katrina, or to even consider options the federal government could enact in order to stem the suffering caused by that disaster. Bush also never had any cajones to fire his top staff members who were engaged in scandal--Karl Rove and Dick Cheney's involvement in Katrina, Donald Rumsfeld's involvement in allowing the U.S. military to conduct torture on Arab prisoners.

My first impression of George W. Bush, when he came on the presidential scene in 2000, was that Bush was a Woody Doll from Disney's Toy Story. When you pull Woody's string back, Woody made the same five or six sayings from his little recorder. George W. Bush was the same way--he said the same policy statements to five or six issues. The big statement he had was his gigantic tax cut--we must cut taxes to give this surplus back to the American people, we must cut taxes because we're in a recession and the tax cuts will stimulate the economy, we must cut taxes because there is a giant killer asteroid heading to earth. I'm now realizing that Bush isn't just a Woody Doll, but rather he was a presidential puppet--carefully marketed to the American people as just a regular guy you want to have a beer with and shoot the breeze on a warm summer's night. A presidential puppet, whose corporate interests, rich elites, religious right, and PNAC neocons happily pulled his strings to institute short term political policies to benefit their own short-sighted interests at the long-term expense of our country. And I'm not sure that George Bush even realizes that he is still a puppet in this political game. George Bush was used by men with greater intelligence and capacity then he would ever have. And when Bush's second term is finally over, he will be thrown away into history like so much trash. The puppet-masters will laugh at Bush's gullibility in providing their outrageous fortune and desires. The American public will scorn Bush for leading the country into disaster.

And George W. Bush will continue to be a failure.

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