Saturday, April 07, 2007

Bill O'Reilly goes bonkers in a fight against Geraldo Rivera

I'm not sure where to file this YouTube video under:

Rivera is right. This is not about illegal immigration, but rather about drunk driving. Had these two young girls been killed by a drunk driver who was an American citizen, this story would have been ignored. The only reason this story is on O'Reilly is because Alfredo Ramos is an illegal immigrant. This gives O'Reilly a chance to score political brownie points by blasting the Virginia Beach local law enforcement, the Mayor Oberndorf, and Virginia's Democratic governor Tim Kaine for supposedly not enforcing this nation's illegal immigration laws, when our own federal government--under this Bush White House--has so spectacularly failed in adopting a comprehensive immigration policy.

Still, it is rather ironic watching these two blowhards duking it out on Fox News.

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