Thursday, April 19, 2007

McCain: Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran

This is going through the blogosphere like crazy. You can find it on ShakesVille, Americablog, Carpetbagger Report, The New Republic, The Daily Kos, Raw Story, Crooks and Liars, The American Prospect, Huffington Post, Matthew Yglesias, TPM Cafe, and the Washington Note, which are just a fraction of the many blogs picking up this latest "Straight Talk Express" hit. I'd say that the Howard Dean Scream Curse may have found a new home with John McCain.

So here is John McCain singing "Bomb Iran." From YouTube:


merjoem32 said...

McCain's insensitive comments will probably help him slide further on the recent election 2008 polls. He offended a lot of people with the McCain bomb Iran song. the media and his opponents will use his joke against him.

Eric A Hopp said...

McCain's "Bomb Iran" song clearly shows not only how stalled his presidential campaign is, but also how much anger he has generated from both sides of the political ideologies. This is a man who is trying to recreate the same presidential election playbook that worked for President Bush's re-election campaign, hoping that it will work for his own campaign. He has hired the same Bush campaign staff, and is pushing an even greater escalation of the Iraq war and the fear that if the U.S. loses, then we will lose to the terrorists. The problem with the Bush 2004 campaign playbook is that it is obsolete. We've already lost the war in Iraq and the only question now is how much blood and treasure are we going to spend before we do start to get out of Iraq. The American people have pretty much ignored the Bush administration's PR-spin, and trust the Democratic Congress more than they trust the Republicans. The Democrats are united, energized, and especially angry at the Republicans and President Bush. The Religious Right, which now controls the Republican Party, just does not like McCain even as McCain spent precious political capital kissing the evangelicals' behinds. This is not the best place for McCain to be in--especially after making that stupid joke song about bombing Iran.