Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday Schoolhouse Rock--Interjections

I thought I would try a new posting category here called Monday Schoolhouse Rock! Schoolhouse Rock was a series of short educational films highlighting such topics as grammer, mathematics, history, economics, science, and politics. They were shown on ABC in between the commercials on the Saturday morning cartoons between 1973 and 1986. The Schoolhouse Rock songs are certainly looked upon with nostalgia from the Generation X era (Yes, I'm a Gen Xer, having been born in 1965).

So I thought it would be fun to bring these short cartoons here for those Monday school/work blues. And the first one I'll start with is Interjections. The lyrics for all the Schoolhouse Rock songs can be found here. So, from YouTube:

Darn! That's the end!

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