Thursday, August 30, 2007

Olbermann plays Senator Craig's arrest tape

Keith Olbermann is on fire. Here is the YouTube video of tonight's Countdown with Keith Olbermann, where Olbermann plays the arrest tape interview between Minneapolis Police Sgt. Dave Karsnia and Craig after Craig was arrested for soliciting sex from a Minneapolis airport men's restroom. From YouTube:

It is just embarrassing. Craig knew he got caught soliciting sex and tried to make excuses in his defense--he didn't realize his foot touched Karsnia's foot, he has a wide stance and puts his feet out, he picked up a piece of paper, he picked up a piece of toilet paper, he picked up a piece of toilet paper with his right hand (which doesn't have a wedding ring, while Karsnia observed a wedding ring in his left hand). The most telling quote here is by Karsnia, where he observes "Embarrassing. Embarrassing. No wonder why we're going down the tubes."

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